The world is full of tensions. And not only is the global economy creaking and groaning, it is precisely at the local level that the effects of the Corona pandemic are strongly felt. Small and medium-sized businesses are having to pull out all the stops to keep their businesses healthy. That sometimes seems like mopping up with the faucet running.
With the administration's ever-changing measures, the resourcefulness of entrepreneurs is being called upon enormously. No industry seems to escape the Corona dance, and at the beginning of the predicted "second wave," many companies already have water on their lips. The wait for yet another emergency package lasts for many perhaps just too long.
Moreover, the risks are just now. The mutual confidence in a promising 2020 has turned into an ominous gut feeling that "it could all go terribly wrong. Your debtors are under pressure, your customers come less often and your staff stays home longer than you love. Corona affects us all. But business owners are catching lol....
Back office outsourcing: more focus on your business
An entrepreneur must have his or her hands free now. In these noisy times, it is precisely the case that an entrepreneur should be able to focus on the opportunities that do exist. By administrative work such as the payroll and payroll, a business owner keeps more time to get and keep his business "corona-proof.
Payoffice B.V. offers companies fully automated and certified back office services. We handle your payroll and payroll administration, we support the recruitment and selection of temporary workers, we help you with timekeeping and establishing annual statements and we can take many more activities off your hands that you just don't have time for right now.
Curious about our back office activities and the rates we charge your organization? Please visit contact at for a customized quote.
During office hours, we can be reached at tel. 040 - 30 38 500.