In as many as a quarter of all Dutch organizations, management does not determine HR policy. This is evident from research conducted by De Staffing Groep. Despite the increasingly tight labor market and the "war for talent," one-third of those surveyed say that HR receives less attention from management than sales and marketing.

Especially HR professionals under the age of 30 are critical of their employer's personnel policy. "People are a crucial success factor for organizations and that is precisely where the challenges lie today," states Wouter Waaijenberg, Director MSP of De Staffing Groep. "Although organizations without the right talent in the right place are less likely to achieve their commercial goals, we notice that many Dutch companies often take an ad hoc approach to their personnel policy. Young professionals know like no other how the war for talent works, so I can understand where their critical attitude comes from."

Insufficiently involved

The survey shows that the ad hoc approach to human resources management has far-reaching consequences for Dutch organizations. A quarter of the HR professionals surveyed say they have not contributed to their organization's strategic objectives in the past three years. This may be because the top management is not sufficiently involved in the development of that policy.

War for (flex) talent

Furthermore, the survey indicates that seven in 10 HR professionals see recruiting the right talent as their organization's biggest challenge over the next five years. It is possible that more focus on flex workers could offer a solution, as only half of the respondents say flexible workers occupy as important a place as permanent employees. Waaijenberg explains: "Besides finding the right talent, we find that keeping employees with the right skills is also a challenge for many organizations. This is where working with flex workers offers a solution."

Source: The Staffing Group, press release, March 24, 2022

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